
Planning in Nike

Nike is a famous sport brand, worldwide. The product of Nike including clothes , shoes and sports equipments. The main company of Nike is in Oregon state of USA. In 2013, the revenue of Nike reached 26’089 (million USD) which were more than their competitors, Adidas 14’684 (million USD) and Puma 22’870(million USD). Although a big succeed in this financial year, Nike still set a big goal for 2017 which is to get 36 (billion USD). Aimed to achieve this goal, the Nike is going to use the following:

  1.  “Our pay for performance”, philosophy for awards is simple: “if we exceed our financial objectives, we will pay more; if we fail to reach them, we will pay less or nothing at all.” Nike company using “pay for performance” this way to stimulate their workers to have a better performance. Nike company will pay extra award for different workers comparing to their different performance. For example, Mr.Parker had a best performance in Untitled1last financial year, so the Nike company give him an extra 150 percent award. This example shows that “performance sharing plan” is a excellent way to stimulate and motivate their workers and also the whole organisation to achieve their goal.

  2. Nike company has a big plan in next five years which is going to open around 250 to 300 Nike stores in all around world. Nike company open more stores cause for convenient all customers to buy their products. Also can raise their popularity of the whole company. Those 300 stores also can offer a opportunity for other brand such as Converse and Hurley which also increase the revenue of  Nike company.

  3. Nike company will increase and popularise  of  Nike I.D. (Nike Id is a serve that the customer can choose their Untitled2favourite shoes and also design the colour for the shoes by themselves. This serve already start in most international city. However, not very popular now.) increase the  number of youth customers. Because most of teenagers like special and new things. Also from the Nike ID, the Nike company is able to collect the most useful information from costumer about which product and what kind of design is their favourite. Though analysing these information is also helping Nike company to improve the products.“ The best description comes from the reaction of an onlooker in New York’s Times Square, who was watching Nike sneakers being designed by passers-by and displayed on the Reuters sign 23 stories up: “This proves again why Nike‘s ahead of the game,” he said.”(Oser, 2005)

  •  These are Nike company’s plans in next few years. Sports goods industry‘ future is really hopeful. But the competition is also intense. From the world ,peoples have more requirement with sports goods.And the consumers groups will have change. So Nike need to constant improve.They have to in creative different ideas and to cater to customers.

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